100 Accomplishments for 2011
December 22, 2011This is the time of year when people start thinking about New Year’s resolutions and creating goals. For some it is easy to look at all of the things in our life we want to enhance or improve to follow through on in the coming year, for other it is more of a challenge.
But before turning the page to 2012, spend some time reflecting on all the things you’ve accomplished in 2011.
Sometimes we forget the hurdles we’ve overcome, the barriers we have broken through and the accomplishments we’ve already ticked off the list.
Before I even think about reviewing my goal cards, I spend some time compiling a list of 100 accomplishments or successes I’ve had throughout the past year. Yes, 100! I usually do this between Christmas and New Years. At first the list flows and when I slow down I know it is time to put it aside for a couple hours or a day. When additional items come to mind I go back to the list and add them and the flow begins again. Give yourself permission to take a few days or even up to a week to complete it.
My “List of 100 Accomplishments” is a great exercise that helps me appreciate and celebrate how much I’ve achieved over the year. It also puts me in the right frame to review my goals and what additions or deletions I want to make for the upcoming year.
Give it a try! Grab a pen and paper or open a fresh new Word document on your computer and start your own “List of 100 accomplishments in 2011” today! Then, come back and tell us what you learned from the exercise.
Wishing all of you a very happy New Year!