Latest "Just for Fun" Posts
October 22, 2019
I have a question for the women reading this: When was the last time you did something special for yourself?
Not a vacation with your family that you had to plan and manage — an actual getaway, just for you.
If you can’t remember, you’re not alone. Women disproportionately bear the unrelenting stress of trying to get ahead in business while managing the home. This mindset doesn’t just affect mothers and women in relationships, though — many of us, regardless of our home lives, also assume those tasks at work.
How do you know when you need a break? If the following rings true to you, it’s time.
Your creativity has dried up
Creativity is a battery that needs to be recharged. When was the last time you visited a museum or enjoyed connecting with the outdoors? When did you last create something just for the sake of creating?
You feel like you can’t connect
Women tend to put their own social needs on the back burner. Instead of recharging with friends over a glass of wine or meeting up with a running club before work, we tend to focus on making sure the people around us are OK. And yet studies show that people who cultivate their relationships live longer, happier lives.
You’re tired all the time
Women are more likely to suffer from insomnia than men — an astounding 57 percent of us report we experience insomnia at least a few nights a week. Without proper rest, we simply can’t handle the rest of our lives. It’s as simple as that.
You find yourself fantasizing about winning the lottery. A lot.
When your thoughts veer from daydreaming to escapist thinking, it’s a warning sign. Allowing yourself to indulge in too much escapism can create a cycle of low productivity and burnout.
If you see yourself in that list, consider recharging your battery with my Bike, Barge, and Bond 2020 River Cruise through the Netherlands and Belgium from Aug. 14-22, 2020. It’s a chance to forgo the usual madcap tourist dash for the slower pace of a bike and river barge. You’ll experience the Netherlands and Belgium propelled by your own power, with plenty of time to savor each new sight and sensation. During the evening, you’ll enjoy cultural walks, engage in thoughtful conversations, and learn how to maximize your potential.

By the end of the river cruise, you will have traveled from Brussels to Amsterdam and rediscovered your sense of adventure. This is a chance to do something for yourself, to recharge your creative juices, and to meet other fascinating women.
Space is limited to only 18 women, so sign up now — these spots will go fast! I hope you take this opportunity to carve out time for yourself.
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Posted by Margaret Page in Personal development, Travel, Communication, Etiquette Tips, Everyday Etiquette, Just for Fun and tagged bike & barge, Amsterdam, Belgium, Amsterdam canal, river cruise, travel, personal growth, cycling, women
May 20, 2019
Hopping on your bike for a cycle around your community or on the local bike trails seems like a no brainer on a nice spring day. In recognition of cycling week (usually in May worldwide and May 27 to June 2 in Canada), here are some bike tips to keep in mind that will make your cycling safe and enjoyable:
- Safety is your number one priority
- Ensure your bike is in good working condition before you head out for a cycle (tires are fully inflated, chain is greased, brakes and gears are functioning properly)
- Always wear a helmet, even though it might look dorky. See #1!
- Wear reflective gear if you’re venturing out at dusk
- Make yourself highly visible at all times. Avoid getting in a driver’s blind spot, especially at street corners and stoplights
- Add a light to the front and back of your bike. Visibility, again, is a big one, and a light is a must to be safe on the roads after daylight
- Hook up a bell to your bike. Being heard is just as important as been seen!
- Wear proper clothing. Choose clothing and shoes that are comfortable and suit your bicycle. You don’t want anything to get caught in the wheels (or reveal too much skin!) Padded riding shorts are best for long distances or when you will be cycling over several days.
- Protective eyewear is a great idea. Avid cyclists find ski goggles work the best. They protect much of your face and they’re fog proof!
- Red means stop. Obey the rules of the road-both at traffic lights and stop signs. (Did I mention…Safety first?)
- Know and use arm signals:
- Left arm straight out to signal a left turn
- Right arm straight out for a right turn (or left arm upright at a 90-degree angle)
- Palm or fist behind your lower back to signal slowing or stopping (when in a group)
- Stay to the right when in front of a group of cyclists to allow room for others to pass safely on your left
- Communicate when riding with a group. If you see a hazard up ahead, let your fellow cyclists know about it
- Maintain a steady, straight line and avoid braking or changing direction suddenly
- Never try to push your rights with vehicles (if in doubt…yield)
- Plan your route stick to approved cycle trails when you can
- Drink lots of water
- Bring your fully-charged cell phone for emergencies (and photos!)
- If you are cycling alone, make sure you tell someone where you are headed and when to expect you back
- Have Fun!
- More Bike month info
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Posted by Margaret Page in Everyday Etiquette, Just for Fun and tagged etiquette tips, manners, cycling
April 10, 2019
A Guide to Tricky Emoji
A colleague recently texted me with a wonderful idea. As someone who messages quite a bit, both personally and professionally, I’m pretty up-to-date on proper etiquette. But when I tried to choose an emoji heart to indicate that I loved my colleague’s idea I was stymied. There were so many choices! A yellow heart? A beating red heart? A large pink heart flanked by smaller hearts?
I’m not alone in my confusion. The misuse of emoji is fodder for Buzzfeed articles about the generation gap between parents and their children — they even show up as plot points in comedies. Here are some of the most commonly used emoji and what they really mean.
Hearts. We all know hearts represent love, but their colors add another layer of meaning. Bustle published a great guide to heart colors that I like to reference. If you’re familiar with the subtle language of giving flowers, you’ll notice a few similarities: Yellow for warmth, purple for drama and glamour, a cluster for over-the-top expression. Save a single red heart, like a single red rose, for a love interest.
Wink. A wink in real life might indicate a joke or a flirtation. In emoji, it is most definitely the latter. Not appropriate in professional texts or with someone other than a partner, spouse, or potential love interest.
Crying laughing. This emoji indicates that you’re laughing so hard that you’re crying — definitely different than the laughing emoji, for which it’s sometimes confused. Make sure you don’t choose the version with a drop of water coming from its forehead: that indicates a nervous, cold sweat.
Smiling face with hands. This face seems very happy, but the hands are an indication that something else is going on. This emoji is a virtual hug — not appropriate for your boss, for example.
Expressionless face. Don’t use this emoji unless you want to convey your displeasure or lack of enthusiasm for an idea, person, or project.
Smiling face with heart eyes. Be careful when using this emoji — it can be applied to an idea you love, but also indicate love or flirtation to the person on the other end of your text message.
There are hundreds of emoji. I’ve concentrated on the way these emoji are used in North America and Europe, but you may run into different interpretations in Asia, for example. When in doubt, type it out rather than use a symbol.
Do you have any emoji horror stories? Please share them in the comments below!
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Posted by Margaret Page in Valentines Day, Uncategorized, Business Etiquette, Communication, Everyday Etiquette, Just for Fun and tagged Emoji, hearts, communication
April 4, 2019
It’s a great time of year to take to the open seas! Before you step on board, here are a few cruise ship etiquette tips to help you and your fellow shipmates create an amazing cruise experience!

Courtesy is Key
Think of your ship like a floating hotel, except with thousands of other people! Every little courteous gesture goes a long way on board. If for example, there’s a line at the elevator, taking the stairs burns off some calories from the chocolate lava cake. If you are a slow walker, have mobility issues or your party has a stroller, move to the right side of the narrow hallway to let others pass by (midship cabins also offer the shortest walk to the elevators).
Catching some downtime in your cabin after an excursion? Speak a little quieter than normal as your neighbours may have the same idea as you!
Formal Gives Way to Chic
Left your ball gown at the cleaners? Not to worry! The dress code on most nights nowadays is Smart Casual and Above. Many cruise ship lines have given Formal Night a modern luxury reboot with Evening Chic night. Men can wear dark jeans with a button-down shirt and blazer and women wear cocktail dresses. Dressier is perfectly fine, but more importantly, feel free to leave the tux and gown at home. Daily programs delivered to your stateroom identify the type of evening planned. You can always check out the dress code online before you embark for more details on cruise ship etiquette. Lastly, swap out your sand-covered flip flops for dress shoes when you head to the dining room.
It’s Food O’Clock
Cruises are known for outstanding buffets and restaurants. Most food, and occasionally alcohol, is already paid for so it’s easy to overindulge, especially since you’re in vacation mode! Remember that too much food or alcohol can enhance the effects of rocky seas and it would be no fun at all to spend your vacation recovering in your cabin. Go ahead and sample items you normally wouldn’t make at home, just remember they won’t run out of food so eat when you are hungry.
Poolside Politeness
Do you enjoy getting laps in early before you head off for a couple eggs bennie? Fantastic – you’ve got lots of pools to choose from! Just make sure you take your towel, flip flops and sunscreen with you afterwards rather leaving them on a chair to seat-save. The next person heading to the pool area will thank you.
Keep An eye on your children
Do you struggle to find activities for your children while on holidays? Most cruise lines have wonderful childrens programs that allow the parents a few hours of fun in the sun while the kids are safe at play. For age appropriate activities, consult the Guest Conduct Policy to find interesting activities for them to do. When not under the supervision of the cruise crew, be sure to keep an eye on your kids so that they are safe and not disrupting other passengers. Cruises are not a vacation from parenting (no matter how good the spa is…)
Timing Is Everything
Cruising means disembarking at exotic ports of call, learning new cultures and treating yourself to new life experiences. You and the other 2,000 people. If you leave the ship when it’s at a port of call, think twice about indulging in another mai tai if you are cutting it close. The ship WILL leave port on time. You don’t want to be that couple that are running down the boardwalk as the ship is pulling away from the dock. Know the time zone you are in so others aren’t waiting for you.
The Tipping Point
Generally speaking, most cruise lines have a set tipping amount that gets automatically added to your account. The amount is a reasonable, per person, per cabin figure and covers the dining staff and cabin steward. Introduce yourself to your stateroom steward. They will help make your cruise memorable, keep your room clean and provide you with any information you require.
For off ship excursions, read what is customary for the countries you are visiting. In countries like Canada and the USA, leaving a tip is the norm. But you might be surprised to learn that in some countries, tipping is not customary, or it is built into the cost of the meal. If you are not sure, better to leave 10% at the minimum to be safe.
Be Social
Take a photo of yourself and your group as your ship is leaving the embarkation port and share it on your social media profiles. Remember to hashtag the name of your ship so others on board can follow. Use this opportunity to ask cruise-related questions, meet new friends and learn about shore excursions. Cruise ships not only suggest it but welcome it!
No matter if this is your first cruise experience, or your 20th, cruising has become a way of life for the Baby Boomers and Generation X. Keeping cruise ship etiquette in mind will make your cruise memorable and fun!
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Posted by Margaret Page in Dining Etiquette, International Etiquette, Just for Fun and tagged travel, cruise ship, cruising, cruise etiquette, international
February 17, 2019
What is the first thing that comes to mind when someone says the word ‘family’? Consulting a dictionary tells us that the definition of family is, “a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household”. A second definition is, “all the descendants of a common ancestor”. However, as our we enter the 21st century, the definition starts to take on a much broader scope.
The Modern Family

Families today come in a variety of shapes, sizes, ethnicities and genders. Perhaps it’s time to re-engineer what the word means. As per the TV show ‘Modern Family’, today’s family truly defies the traditional meaning. Today it could mean single parent households, multi-generational, a child-less couple, same-gender couples with children, and couples with adopted children to name a few. Gone are the days of ‘Leave it to Beaver’ where the only concept of family is a mother and father with two children. Today’s meaning is much more open and inclusive.
Sometimes though, the bonds you create with people in your life can be just as important as blood relatives. Families can be chosen too. We all know the saying, “you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family”. But I think you can. Your family can be the people in your life that you want to consider as family.
Human beings are social creatures and families are very important to our social structure. They add stability, financial security, happiness, emotional security and a general feeling of belonging and well being. Communities benefit from the family unit as it is relieved of the burden of supporting people who need the extra help.
Let’s look at the 2nd definition of family. Our prehistoric ancestors were also very social. The caveman version of family was a tribal unit. They lived in a very communal setting and quite often traveled together as a unit to seek alternative living areas when the seasons dictated. Research indicates that these ancient tribal communities were polygamous, and children were raised in a much more communal-style setting. Some social anthropologists would agree that human beings as a species are not meant to be monogamous.
The Mother of everyone Alive Today
Ever heard of “Mitochondrial Eve”? Anthropological scientists believe all humans alive share a common ancestry. We carry evidence of this ancestry in our DNA. We all carry a 47th chromosome that resides in the mitochondria which is also found in an unbroken line of matriarchal ancestors stretching back to Africa. Scientists have identified this ancestor from 150,000 years ago as being related to all of us. She is the mother of everyone alive today. This woman is Mitochondrial Eve. In the truest scientific sense, we are truly all family.
Some of you are lucky enough to be living in a country or provinces/states that have a designated national Family Day like in Canada, South Africa, Vietnam and Uruguay to name a few. No matter what your definition of family is, make the time to spend it with the people you love and care about. What could you be doing with your family? Skiing and snowboarding at your local ski resort? Sleeping in and enjoying a nice brunch? Spending time together hiking a local trail with your family members and family pet? Whatever it is you choose to do, no matter who you do it with, you will be spending it with family. Guaranteed.
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Posted by Margaret Page in A Page of Insight, Just for Fun and tagged Family, families, love
October 23, 2018

I absolutely love self-improvement books because I’m on a lifelong quest for growth. I’ve read countless tomes about ways to better understand the world, business, and myself. These five books are some of my current favorites for sparking ideas and learning more about how people work.
The Culture Code: An Ingenious Way to Understand Why People Around the World Live and Buy As They Doby Clotaire Rapaille.This beautiful book gives an unbridled perspective on how a variety of cultures view the world — the “code” mentioned in the title. I found the author’s summaries so fascinating. When he held the mirror up to my own country, I didn’t always like what he revealed. But that’s the value of this book: It forces us to look at cultures from a different angle than what we were taught.
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Posted by Margaret Page in Uncategorized, Communication, Just for Fun
December 22, 2017
May your hopes dance like snowflakes in the winter wind, that decorate your life with beauty.
May your dreams glitter like tinsel and illuminate all that you are and all that you can be.
May your world be filled with wonder and may the magic of this season touch you and your loved ones in ways you’ve never imagined.
~ Margaret

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Posted by Margaret in Just for Fun and tagged holiday wish
February 5, 2017
Looking for some unique gift ideas to express your love and affection for that special someone this Valentines?
We thought we’d have some fun by sharing a few unique ideas we found.
My brother absolutely loved this gift I gave him for Christmas. Help him discover his inner chef—and master the skills for a great meal – with the “Everyday Gourmet” cooking course.
Etsy is a great place to go for homemade gifts, and more. This personalized bottle opener is pretty sharp and I love the packaging.
Flowers and candy are classic, but if you are looking for a unique gift idea, this personalized heart in the sand canvas will definitely show her you’re a romantic at heart. 🙂
You could really be romantic with these “reasons I love you stones.” With sayings like “…because you’re an inspiration” and “… for always getting my jokes,” she’ll love the sentiment. And the pretty bag the stones come in. Or hide them around the house – in places you know she’ll find them. This gift could go on giving all year long!
These were a fun gift idea – for any occasion. For Valentine’s Day, they offer a Personalized M & M’s Romance gift box. Very cute.
I gave these personalized fortune cookies to someone a few years ago and they were a hit. There are some yummy-looking Valentine’s Day themed options now/
Take a look at these super cute and unique plants. Very unique gift idea.
If you have a way with words, this may be the perfect gift. Tell your own love story with The Love Book. Very romantic!
When I saw these pillowcases, I knew they would bring a smile to someone’s face. True pillow talk 🙂
What special or unique gift have you received for Valentines Day (or any other day!)? Share some ideas with us!
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Posted by Margaret in Just for Fun and tagged gifts, say i love you, Valentines Day
December 23, 2014
Here we are again, about to celebrate the holidays and launch into a brand new year! It’s amazing to me how fast time flies!
As you celebrate the holidays with family and friends, soak it all in. This time of year, more than ever, is a time when we are reminded of all the wonderful people who touch our lives throughout the year.
From home to home, and heart to heart,
From one place to another.
The warmth and joy of Christmas,
Brings us closer to each other.
My wish for you is this: peace and prosperity; health and happiness. I hope your holiday season is filled with love and laughter and that the new year brings you much success.
Happy holidays to you!
~ Margaret Page
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Posted by Margaret Page in Just for Fun
April 7, 2014
I’m a huge fan of OpenTable, for so many reasons. You can search for a specific restaurant to make a reservation, or key in an area to find restaurants that have availability for a specific day and time. You can also tailor your search by price and cuisine, and get a preview of special offers around specific holidays.
For sales people meeting with clients for business lunch or dinner meetings, this makes it so much easier to ensure that the client receives all the information they need prior to the meeting. Once you book the reservation, a confirmation is sent to your email and you can then just forward the details to the client.
I use the OpenTable app all the time and it’s great for finding those unique restaurants that you may not know existed. When I was in Toronto for a speaking engagement I was planning lunch with a friend who I know liked interesting experiences. I checked OpenTable and found a chocolate and tea place nearby. And what a cool place it turned out to be! The restaurant was decorated in a modern style, but with a twist. On the walls was a collection of beautiful antique teapots and the glass display case was filled with Technicolor macarons and other delectable goodies!
If you’re trying to make an impression, or want to share a unique dining experience with a friend or a client, OpenTable saves you time and allows you to discover hidden dining treasures. It takes going to a restaurant out of the realm of something you “need” to do and makes it much more delightful.
OpenTable is also testing out another feature that I think will be a huge hit with diners. They recently launched a pilot program in San Francisco that enables you to pay your bill via the OpenTable iPhone app. After you book your reservation you’re asked if you’d like to pay for your meal using the app. If you agree, you simply scan your credit card using the app and your card remains on file. At the end of your meal, just open the app to see your bill. This new feature takes the guesswork out of how much to tip, as well. Just tap a button for 15 percent, 20 percent, or higher – and you’re done. A receipt is then sent to you so you can keep it for your records.
Another benefit? You can earn dining rewards points when you make (and honor) reservations made through OpenTable. Get paid to dine out? Now that’s pretty cool!
Of note: It’s even more important than ever to keep the reservations you’ve booked through OpenTable – or cancel them if your plans change. If you rack up “no-show,” your account will be banned.
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Posted by Margaret in Business Etiquette, Just for Fun and tagged dining etiquette, OpenTable