Why Sparkle? Because YOU CAN!
January 15, 2011the twinkling eyes of a child telling a joke…
the smile of a young lady on a first date…
or the sheer delight of an elderly couple on the dance floor?
There’s something so… different… about them. They look so alive! So present and delighted to be in the moment.
Truth be told, this extraordinary state is not just for lovers and dancers, and enchanting little ones… it is our birthright – yours, and mine, and everyone else’s too – IF we claim it.
At a recent social event, I was absolutely fascinated by a vibrant redhead with an infectious smile, a quick laugh and a warm nature. She wasn’t doing or saying anything special – but she was truly enjoying life to the fullest. But she was positively radiant! And magnetic. Everyone wanted to be around her.
“What did she eat this morning?” I wondered. “She’s SO full of life!” As I watched her carefully, I thought, “She practically glows! I want to be that way too….” It was a pivotal moment – the beginning of my journey to a brilliant new me.
I invite you to join me on this quest to live from our own natural brilliance – because somewhere inside each one of us is a light, joyful being who is just waiting for our permission to come out and shine.
So today, I ask you: Are you ready to light up your world?
W: Why NOT?! What could possibly be more important than being a bright light in the world? All those worrisome thoughts that bounce between your ears… are they really significant enough that you would trade your sparkle for them? If you lighten up, you’ll brighten up.
H: Honor yourself with healthy habits, so you can grow stronger and healthier day by day. If you think of yourself as a lighthouse, you’ll quickly recognize that it takes a solid structure and a lot of energy to keep your bright light shining for all to see.
Y: Yes… just say YES! The more you allow, the less you resist – and the less you resist, the happier you become. Do a little experimenting; you’ll feel the difference!
S: Self-esteem breeds confidence, and confidence is critical to being a bright, joyful presence in the world. Lift yourself up with positive self talk – every day – and take credit for your unique contribution to the world.
P: Persist – especially on the days you think you’ll never shine again. We all have times when we feel dull and flat, but with persistence, we realize we have the ability to shift – and sparkle at will. Now, that’s a skill worth developing, don’t you think?
A: Awareness of your impact on others makes it easier it is to show up in all your brilliance. When you realize that others get a lift from your light, joyful nature, it’s like watching your spark move out into the world. It grows exponentially, in you and everyone around you.
R: Reflect on the idea that that every single person on earth has their own unique spark within. What can you do to call it to the surface, both in yourself and in others? How can you reflect someone’s light back to them, so they recognize their own brilliance?
K: Kindness is a universal bridge between people of all ages, cultures, and creeds. A genuine smile, a kind word, or a little assistance is all it takes. And the best part? It benefits you as much as the other person. Kindness can make anyone’s spirit sparkle.
L: Laugh! Giggle! Grin. It’s one of the main ways people bond, lifting our spirits, warming our hearts and brightening our faces. Look for humor in the littlest things, and learn to laugh at yourself. Life doesn’t have to be so serious!
E: Enthusiasm greases every wheel, so it really pays to bring more of it into your everyday life. Enjoy what you’re doing – even if you have to fake it ‘til you make it. The energy of enthusiasm is infectious, calling others to join you in a richer experience of life. And besides that, it’s FUN!
Haven’t we all had enough of dumpy, drab and dry? It’s been a tough few years for so many of us, but it’s time to come back to life. Please join me in making this year ahead a brighter one for us all.

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