Tipping Etiquette: A Guide for Travelers
March 9, 2011I love to travel to new places, but even I can get tripped up on what to tip once I arrive at my destination. The tipping etiquette from one country to the next can vary as much as the culture and the customs.
Did you know, for example, that Japan is — for the most part — a non-tipping country? Or that in France, a standard 10% tip over and above the service charges is considered good tipping etiquette for locals, but visitors are not expected to tip unless the service is excellent.
Knowing what to tip, who to tip, and in what currency to tip can be confusing!
In this infographic, by Mint.com, the basics on tipping etiquette–country by country, as well as a detailed guide on how much you’re expected to tip for various services here in the United States — are outlined.
Click on the graphic below to enlarge.
Let me know if this was helpful to you for an upcoming trip!

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