Posts tagged "Valentine’s Day etiquette"
February 13, 2017

I know Valentine’s Day is here already, but here are some Valentines Day etiquette tips that will ensure a romantic and memorable evening (and keep everyone out of the dog house!)
(Note: If you waited until today to buy a special Valentine’s Day card, you might be stuck with the leftover corny Valentine’s Day cards. Think about making your own card for your sweetie. Homemade gifts are always a hit in the romance department.)
- Turn your cell phones off: It goes without saying that you should give your date your undivided attention at all times, and most especially on such a romantic day as Valentine’s Day. Gentlemen: turn your cell phones off—and leave them off the table–so you’re not tempted to check sports scores during dinner.
- Buying a gift: Valentines Day means different things to different people – depending on how long you’ve been together and how serious the relationship is. A traditional gift of flowers and chocolate are still time-honored traditions, and they fit into most budgets. Remember, it really is the thought that counts. Handwritten love letters are also a hit!
- Mind your table manners: As with any time you’re sharing a meal with someone, be sure to bring along your best table manners. Chewing with your mouth open or shoveling food into your mouth is NOT romantic.
- For the men: Remember the simple things, like opening the door for her, helping her with her coat, and pulling out her chair for her if the wait staff don’t do it for her.
- Who pays? Many women are still looking for that knight in shining armor–chivalry is desirable. So, men, pick up the tab unless your lady in waiting has extended the dinner invitation.
“Valentines hearts beat more passionately than everyday hearts”
~ Anonymous
Wishing you all a very happy (and romantic) Valentines Day!
photo credit: pixieclipx
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Posted by Margaret in Everyday Etiquette and tagged Valentine's Day etiquette
February 7, 2017

Just because you’re single on Valentines Day doesn’t mean you have to miss out on an opportunity to do something special. Defy Cupid this year with these Valentine’s etiquette tips for single guys and gals – and make Valentine’s Day 2017 a day to remember!
- Plan ahead – Prepare a plan of action well before the day arrives so you’re not stuck for ideas when Cupid comes to town.
- Do something nice for yourself – Do you love flowers? Buy yourself a big bouquet. Enjoy chocolate? There are plenty of decadent chocolates to choose from! Buy yourself the biggest box! Men, pick up that gadget you’ve been eyeing since Christmas. Splurge a little on yourself this Valentine’s Day!
- Relax – Schedule a massage or book a day at the spa. Splurge on a bottle of expensive wine, make your favorite dish and eat in front of the TV — watching your all-time favorite movie, in your pajamas!
- Get together with friends – Just because you’re single, doesn’t mean you’re alone. Gather up a group of unattached friends and meet for cocktails, go to a comedy show or a late night flick!
- Host a dinner party – Invite your single friends to join you for a dinner party at your home. Good food, good wine and good company? Now you all have awesome dates on Valentine’s Day.
- Schedule a movie marathon – Themed movie nights are always fun! Host a Casablanca night where everyone dresses like 40s screen sirens or wears a fedora!
- Step outside your comfort zone – Think about something that you are afraid of and give yourself permission to step into doing it! Do something that challenges you!
- Tap into your creative side – Sign up for a pottery class or explore a local art gallery. Your creative self will thank you!
- Give back There’s no shortage of ways you can give of yourself on Valentine’s Day. Spend the day volunteering at your local children’s shelter, soup kitchen or Salvation Army.
Go beyond February 14th and participate in Random Acts of Kindness Day – celebrated around the world February 12 – 18th. Think about how you can go over and above to do something special for someone. Write a handwritten note to an old friend, bring a treat to a neighbor, hold the door open for someone, or pay the tab for the person in line behind you at the coffee shop. The Random Acts of Kindess Week website has more than 280 kindness ideas to choose from!
Valentine’s day can be a lot of fun, even if you’re flying solo this year! With a little imagination and some planning, this special day can be you will never forget!
What are your plans for Valentine’s Day this year? Share with us in the comments below!
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Posted by Margaret in Everyday Etiquette and tagged single on Valentines Day, Valentine's Day etiquette
February 6, 2017

Some Valentines Day ideas and etiquette tips that will leave a lasting impression with your sweetie!
- Valentine’s Day is a busy day for restaurants so if you’re planning on taking your date out for a special dinner, make the reservation now. Today. It’s not surprising that all the good restaurants book up far in advance and you don’t want to find yourself running through a drive-thru with your date. That would NOT be romantic, and it may be your very last date. 🙂
- If you’re checking out a new place for dinner, be sure to give some thought to how you’ll get there and where you’ll park. This will avoid being late for your reservation.
- If you’re buying flowers, red roses are classic, but to go the extra mile, consider your loved one’s favorite flower. You’ll definitely gain some points for paying attention if you arrive with a bouquet of her favorites.
- Instead of spending hours sifting through store-bought (often-generic) Valentine’s Day cards, why not create a video message or create a Lovestegram! With a Lovestegram, you can send a Valentine’s Day photo album to your love that is completely personal.
- Just because you’re on a tight budget, doesn’t mean you can’t plan a special evening with your spouse or significant other. Cooking together, with soft music playing in the background is very romantic. Make the evening special by getting dressed up, lighting some candles and setting the table with your best china and a bouquet of fresh flowers.
- If you’re looking for a special gift that costs very little, consider this handmade treasure. What better way to share how much someone means to you than a “10 Things I Love About You Jar!” Just jot down all the reasons the person is special to you (and it can be more than 10!) and put them in a jar. Fancy it up with some fabric and you will have a personal gift that they will never forget!
If you do plan an evening out at a restaurant, keep your phone turned off, or, at the very least, out of sight. If it’s out of sight, you’ll be less tempted to check it. Many times I’ve witnessed couples, seated at a beautiful table in a nice restaurant, each of them off in their own world – on their cell phones, texting or chatting with someone else! If you’re expecting an urgent call, ask to be excused and take your call away from the table, in privacy.
Another tricky question I get this time of year is around splitting the check – or “going Dutch.” The answer to this is simple, for Valentine’s Day and any time of year, “Whoever does the asking, does the paying.” And if you have a coupon deal, best to save that for a night out with your friends.
Lastly, bad manners are a big turn-off, so be very mindful of your manners from the moment you greet your date. Chewing with your mouth open, talking with your mouth full, and shoveling your food into your mouth will not impress. Men, keep the simple things in mind: opening the door for your date, pulling out her chair if the wait staff doesn’t do it for her. Courtesy and respect will never go out of style.
Do you have a favorite Valentine’s Day memory you’d like to share? We’d love to hear it!
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Posted by Margaret in Everyday Etiquette and tagged manners, dining etiquette, Valentine's Day etiquette, courtesy
January 29, 2015

With boxes of heart-shaped chocolates filling the shelves at every grocery store, and carts filled with red roses at every florist’s stand, Valentine’s Day is a day that is hard to go unnoticed.
In the busy lifestyles that we all lead, it’s no surprise how many romances begin at the office water cooler. Although romance is in the air this time of the year, it’s good to keep a few etiquette cues in mind if you ever find yourself in an office romance.
Play by the rules
Find out what your company’s policies are on the topic of office relationships. Some companies are more traditional and have zero tolerance when it comes to “fraternization,” whereas other companies are more lenient.
Watch your PDA (public displays of affection)
You’re at work, not on a date. While it’s tempting to flash a smile across the boardroom, public displays of affection are inappropriate in a business setting. Bottom line: hands off until you’re off the clock! Engaging in PDA is rude to your fellow coworkers and it also shows a lack of professionalism and respect for the organization.
Skip the love notes
Companies put a lot of time and resources into building their employee’s communication skills to ensure they are able to be productive and efficient in their work. However, when it comes to communicating romance in the office, its best to stay away from in-person and online “intimate” conversations.
As tempting as it is to send a quick and flirtatious e-mail to your office sweetheart, remember that you are on company time and companies have access to employee e-mails. The risk of accidentally sending a department-wide e-mail that was only intended for your new love interest is a scary thought! Getting the “pink slip” for this reason is simply not worth it.
Keep it quiet
Revealing to a colleague why you’ve had an extra twinkle or two in your eyes may seem innocent, but be careful when it comes to discussing any details about your office romance. If you really need to share, be very careful in choosing your office confidante. If you have decided to go against your company’s dating policies, we strongly recommend keeping the details of your relationship to yourself. Gossip spreads fast, even in the most modest and conservative offices!
When sharing any relationship details, keep in mind that the other person in the relationship is also your confidante’s coworker. Think about how work relationships would be affected by sharing details of your love life with coworkers.
Keep your distance
Being within close quarters of each other at work can be an invitation for trouble. Requesting a department change for one of you might be the best option. The goal is to keep everyone in the game happy – especially the company.
If you work in separate departments, keep it this way. While keeping each other company during lunch is okay, frequent water cooler or restroom breaks will raise eyebrows.
Though there are complications to consider before you commit to an office romance, it can be an exciting time of your life. Especially during this time of year when love is in the air!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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Posted by Margaret Page in Everyday Etiquette and tagged Valentine's Day etiquette, office romance etiquette