December 17, 2019
We all know that a thank-you card traditionally is expected after we receive a gift. This simple act might be less common than it used to be, but that doesn’t mean it’s less appreciated.
I believe thank-you notes are just as important as the gifts themselves. After all, don’t we give to delight our friends and loved ones or express our gratitude? A well-written thank-you note brings gift-giving full circle.

Four steps to crafting a simple, beautiful note
- In the first sentence, say “thank you for” and state the gift you’ve been given. Example: Thank you for the wine glasses you gave me at the holiday party.
- Next, express a further detailed appreciation by remarking on qualities about the gift. Example: The glasses have already found a home on our dining room table. They look so elegant next to our everyday dishes!
- Share specific reasons why you like the gift. Example: I love to entertain, and can’t wait to show them off the next time we have friends over for a wine and cheese get-together.
- In the closing sentence, sign it pleasantly and friendly. And you can even add “Thanks again!” before your signature.
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Posted by Margaret Page in Christmas, Personal development, Communication, Etiquette Tips, Everyday Etiquette and tagged Christmas, holiday, gratitude, thank you cards, thanks
June 5, 2019
In a world where we are communicating more and more through email, text and social media, the value of physical thank you cards is being lost. Yes, it is amazing how easy it is to stay in touch nowadays – a quick text to see how someone’s day is going– but with something as important as a thank you card, I still believe sending a physical version is far more valuable. The next time your firm receives a big order from an important client, consider sending them a thank you card instead. This is especially true in the USA during National Business Etiquette week 2019.
Physical cards still have a longer shelf life—and greater impact. Because we get so many emails and text messages throughout the day, it’s such a thrill to open our mailbox (our REAL mailbox) and find a physical card inside. After all, you can’t display an email on your desk or hang a text on your bulletin board!
But who has time for that, right? We have the best intentions – we really do want to send out more cards, but time gets away from us and it becomes just one more thing to add to our to-do list. Did you know that people intend to send out an average 70 cards a year for various occasions, but in the end only send out 10 because of the inconvenience? Unless you really plan ahead, when you think about sending out a card, you’re scrambling to find a stamp!
Well, that’s why I am such a huge fan of Send Out Cards. I love them.
Send Out Cards
SendOutCards, founded by CEO Kody Bateman in 2003 – has sent out over 100 million cards since its launch. The online service makes it so easy to send a personalized, printed greeting card to anyone. You choose a custom card, add your own personal photo and message – and then you just click SEND. They take care of all the rest – printing, stuffing, stamping and mailing the physical card for you.
Thoughtful Cards
A colleague of mine once gave me a box of Thoughtful Cards. Similar to a post card, Thoughtful Cards have a wonderful thank you note on one side along with the usual spot for an address and note on the flip side. All I need to do is “pick, personalize, and post”. Their motto is, “Go from gratitude inaction to gratitude in action! It was a lovely gift that I have used several times already.
My personal goal is to send out one card each day. And although I think email thank-yous are convenient and necessary, the arrival of a personal card is far more memorable. If you’re trying to stand out from the crowd, separate yourself from your competitors, sending a physical card will help you do that.
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Posted by Margaret Page in Uncategorized, Business Etiquette, Communication, Etiquette Edge and tagged business, Gain Confidence, Class and Communication Skills with Etiquette Products, thank you cards, customer appreciation