Holiday Hosting Made Easy By Guest Blogger Karen Taipalus
November 23, 2019During the #Christmas holidays, my high school girlfriends (yes, high school) and our spouses get together for a holiday party. We rotate homes with each couple taking a turn at holiday hosting every five years. When I say ‘hosting’ I mean the host prepares a main dish and the rest bring sides. Easy-peezy, right? When Lesley’s turn rolls around, she starts to hyperventilate just thinking about hosting. What main course could she cook for 10 people — especially with two-months notice?
Hosting a seasonal holiday party for your high school gang should cause zero stress. Being best buds for 40 years means you ought to be able to serve leftover lasagna from five days ago and everybody will still love you! Below are four ways to make sure the dinner is stress free for the host and comfortable for the holidays guest.