December 17, 2019
We all know that a thank-you card traditionally is expected after we receive a gift. This simple act might be less common than it used to be, but that doesn’t mean it’s less appreciated.
I believe thank-you notes are just as important as the gifts themselves. After all, don’t we give to delight our friends and loved ones or express our gratitude? A well-written thank-you note brings gift-giving full circle.

Four steps to crafting a simple, beautiful note
- In the first sentence, say “thank you for” and state the gift you’ve been given. Example: Thank you for the wine glasses you gave me at the holiday party.
- Next, express a further detailed appreciation by remarking on qualities about the gift. Example: The glasses have already found a home on our dining room table. They look so elegant next to our everyday dishes!
- Share specific reasons why you like the gift. Example: I love to entertain, and can’t wait to show them off the next time we have friends over for a wine and cheese get-together.
- In the closing sentence, sign it pleasantly and friendly. And you can even add “Thanks again!” before your signature.
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Posted by Margaret Page in Christmas, Personal development, Communication, Etiquette Tips, Everyday Etiquette and tagged thank you cards, thanks, Christmas, holiday, gratitude
November 23, 2019
During the #Christmas holidays, my high school girlfriends (yes, high school) and our spouses get together for a holiday party. We rotate homes with each couple taking a turn at holiday hosting every five years. When I say ‘hosting’ I mean the host prepares a main dish and the rest bring sides. Easy-peezy, right? When Lesley’s turn rolls around, she starts to hyperventilate just thinking about hosting. What main course could she cook for 10 people — especially with two-months notice?

Hosting a seasonal holiday party for your high school gang should cause zero stress. Being best buds for 40 years means you ought to be able to serve leftover lasagna from five days ago and everybody will still love you! Below are four ways to make sure the dinner is stress free for the host and comfortable for the holidays guest.
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Posted by Margaret Page in Christmas, Dining Etiquette, Etiquette Tips and tagged hosting, party, dinner party, Christmas, holiday, party planning
December 18, 2010

With the holiday season fast approaching, I’m sure you’re wondering how you will thank those people in your life who provided you with services throughout the year. Your hairdresser? Your caregiver? The groomer who clips your pooch’s nails just right? You want them to continue to pamper your every whim next year, don’t you?
Tipping during the holiday season has always been a way to share your gratitude with those people who have made your life just a wee bit easier during the year. But how much should you tip? And does it have to be cash?
Here are a few tips for holiday tipping to help you plan for the season.
1. Hair Stylist / Barber: A good rule of thumb, assuming you tip well all year long, is to add 50% to your regular tip. It’s tough to find someone who “gets” your hair. Make sure they know how much you appreciate the time they rescued you after you decided to give yourself new bangs.
2. Mail Carrier: A small gift is a nice way to thank your mail carrier for lugging that package from your grandmother through the snow-covered sidewalk to your front door. Rain, sleet, snow…you get the picture.
3. Housekeeper: If you have someone coming in to keep your house spic and span, be sure to acknowledge them for their hard work. Suggested tip is the equivalent of what you’d pay for your cleaning. Dishpan hands leads to more manicures, which is costly. Avoid that cost now by showing your appreciation to your house cleaner. She (or he) deserves it!
4. (Speaking of) Manicurists: I suggest $15 – $20 for your manicurist. ($30 if she has to bring out the hand sander and goggles for your pedicure)
5. Live-in Nanny: If you have a full-time nanny, a Christmas bonus equivalent to a week’s salary is appropriate. Caring for your child is such personal thing, so if you really want to show your appreciation, make it more personal. Bake your nanny some cookies, have your child make her a card, and buy her a personal gift. Something you know she would never buy herself. She’s caring for your most precious gift, so be sure you express your gratitude in a way that shows how much that means to you.
6. Day Care Provider(s): A gift from you, or cash ($25 – $70), and a small gift from your child. Be sure to add a personal note.
7. Teenage Babysitter: Don’t forget to pick up a little something for your part-time sitter. An iTunes gift card or an Amazon gift certificate, perhaps?
8. Massage Therapist / Trainer: You know you will need their full attention in the new year, so don’t forget them now. The cost of a session is the best gauge for tipping. If you’re strapped for cash, a gift card for the movies or a local restaurant will show you appreciate their dedication to making your body the best it can be!
9. Pet Groomer: If you have the budget, a cash tip, the equivalent to one visit is a good rule of thumb. A small gift, or gift card, is also a nice way to let your pet groomer know you appreciate the care he or she gives to your pooch’s “do.”
10. Teacher: Give your child’s teacher a gift, not cash. Along with the gift, be sure to have your child write a personal note. That will go a long way the next time little Billy says, “It wasn’t me. Joey made me do it.”
Remember, there really aren’t any “rules” for tipping during the holiday season. But, in today’s economy, if you are able to tip generously, do. And if you’re a little strapped for cash, get creative. When looking for ways to share the love, let the holiday spirit (and your personal budget) be your guide.
photo credit: mysza831
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Posted by Margaret in Etiquette Tips and tagged etiquette tips, Christmas, holiday, tipping guide