Posts tagged "courtesies"
October 26, 2018
I work with many clients in China and India, two powerhouse markets that celebrate holidays on a different calendar than those of us in North America. I always try to stay on top of international holidays — not only is it a wonderful conversation point, but I enjoy learning about other cultures through their major festivals and events.
Wading into these holidays can be a bit tricky for the uninitiated. In India alone,
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Posted by Margaret Page in Uncategorized, Dining Etiquette, Etiquette Edge, Etiquette Tips, International Etiquette and tagged courtesies, culture, cultural awareness
June 10, 2017

Lunchtime is a great opportunity to be productive and network. Here is a healthy serving of guidance to help you thrive in a business lunch.
No matter where you go for your business lunch, be on time. If you live in a big city, you know that traffic can be terrible. Even in the worst traffic scenarios, you can be on time if you plan ahead. Arriving early gives you time to use the restroom to check your appearance, fix your tie, reapply lipstick, make sure your shirt is tucked in, etc.
At your lunch meeting, enjoy your meal, be yourself, and remember to exchange any important information before you leave the table.
In Japan, meishi koukan is the formal exchange of business cards. The practice is very important in Japanese culture, and their long list of proper steps in the business card exchange is taken seriously. While we are not so formal in North America we have adopted the Japanese custom of handing a business card to someone with both hands with the print readable to the receiver. Your business card needs to be pristine and accurate. Look the person in the eye as you hand them your business card.
No matter the type of business lunch, whether it is an interview, a sales pitch, or just a get-to-know-you meal, remember your table manners. Keep the phone on silent and put away, and keep your handbag on a hook — never on the table or floor. Know and practice napkin knowhow, silent service code, and be silverware savvy.
Before you meet for your next business lunch, have an outcome for that lunch in mind. If you invited someone to lunch let them know why you are wanted to meet with them. It is good form to pay for your guest if you extended the invitation. If it is a mutually agreed upon luncheon, be prepared to pick up the tab, at least for yourself, when the bill arrives. Most importantly, be polite, stay focused on the outcome, and enjoy the conversation.
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Posted by Margaret Page in Uncategorized, Business Etiquette and tagged etiquette tips, cell phones, manners, courtesies, good manners, Business cards
July 5, 2016

Smartphones are ubiquitous — in fact, I’d wager that many of us aren’t even aware how often we rely on these powerful little computers. Stop and think for a second: How often do you pull yours out to check the time? To pass a few minutes when you’re standing in line? To dash off a quick email between meetings?
Smartphones are convenient, to be sure, and they keep us connected no matter where we are. But in a world built on relationships, is that really a good thing? What could you gain by putting away the phone?
We’ve become so inured to smartphones that many of us have forgotten the importance of human presence. Your full attention (and your discretion in giving it) is one of the most powerful tools in your professional toolbox, and it’s one worth developing. Here are a few tips on how you can break the smartphone habit.
Set Your Own Standard. I have a colleague who once worked for a home goods company. Several times a year, vendors would fly across the country to make presentations to the CEO, president, and other key stakeholders, including my colleague. “I was always appalled when I would look around the table and realize my co-workers were using this time as an opportunity to check their messages — even the president and CEO,” she says. “And what’s worse is that the president and CEO reinforced this behavior by making it seem OK in the first place.”
It can seem acceptable to behave poorly when even your superiors are doing so. But think about the vendors giving the presentations: These moments were important to them and their businesses. They deserved better.
Ban Phones From the Table. Phone use seems particularly egregious in an intimate setting, like a meal. What better opportunity to connect with a business associate than over lunch or a quiet dinner? A few years ago, the “phone stack” was popular: After a table ordered, everyone would stack their phones in the middle of the table. The first person to reach for their phone would pick up the bill. That’s a great idea among friends, but if you’re dining out with a colleague who has a habit of pulling out the phone, make your intentions clear. Try saying, “We so rarely get a chance to talk face to face. Isn’t a luxury these days? Why don’t we agree to keep our phones stashed while we eat?”
Safeguard Your Time. What if you’re the one having a hard time disengaging from the phone? Think about what constantly checking and responding to emails says about you: You have no boundaries. If you answer emails during meetings, non-working hours, or weekends, you’re setting an expectation that the times you have set aside as important should not be important to others. And in today’s 24/7 world, people will take advantage of your non-stop vigilance.
What are your smartphone pet peeves? Tell me in the comments below! If you’re interested in learning more about developing your business etiquette skills, please contact me for more information about upcoming workshops and events.
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Posted by Margaret Page in Etiquette Tips, Everyday Etiquette and tagged courtesies, etiquette tips, email etiquette, cell phone etiquette, cell phones
February 9, 2011
Has rudeness become a way of life? Are we so busy that we don’t have time to say “please” and “thank you” anymore?
Have we forgotten the simple courtesies that set us apart from the animal kingdom?
Here is a list of simple courtesies (gentle reminders?) that will win you friends and earn you points in the manners department.
Simple Courtesies
- Say please and thank you
- Turn off your cell phone in the movie theatre
- Please, please don’t wear your baseball hat at the dinner table
- Write thank you notes. Handwritten thank you notes.
- A simple wave of acknowledgement when I let you into traffic
- Be on time. Plan ahead so you’re not that person (you know the one) who is ALWAYS late!
Do you have a pet peeve — when it comes to common courtesy? I’d love to get your take on the state of good manners today.
photo: Metro Transportation Library and Archive
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Posted by Margaret in Everyday Etiquette and tagged manners, courtesies, rudeness, thank you