How To Keep Calm and Love Your Body!
June 24, 2014“Loving your body only when it is in perfect shape is like loving your children only when they’re well-behaved.” – Unknown
With the official start to summer well on its way, its time to soak in all the magical moments – the beautiful and vivid-coloured flowers, the sound of children playing outside and the warm kisses of the sun.
The question is, why do so many of us, myself included, struggle to find peace with our bodies, especially during this time of the year? I realize that “body talk” is an intimate and sometimes uncomfortable topic, but I have a feeling you’ll enjoy learning about the idea of ‘self care’ which I’ll go over in a bit.
We are bombarded with a ton of messages everyday, anywhere from weight loss products to more dramatic measures of finding our “perfect bodies,” such as plastic surgery. This causes us to forget how to love our bodies and as a result, the people and our activities around us.
It recently dawned on me that we need to relate the Oxygen Mask Model to our own bodies – always attend to it first so that other areas of our lives can be properly taken care of. To love the bodies that we have been given allows us to be happy in those other areas of our lives, which then allows us be more productive and efficient in our endeavours.
To simplify this, think of it in terms of the old phrase, “love yourself before anyone else can.” This well includes loving your body too.
I want to introduce you to the idea of self-care, or in the words of Nona Jordan, self-responsibility. We have a responsibility to ourselves to take care of above all else, us. More likely than not, you’re a busy bee taking care of other’s responsibilities and putting yours aside. Whether you’re consciously thinking about it, this can have implicating effects on your mind and body.
When many of us hear or see the term ‘self-care,’ we often associate it with something of a medical nature – but what I want to share is something quite the opposite. Its more mental than it is physical.
Here are 5 ways you can keep calm and love your body!
1. Limit the amount of time you spend flipping through a magazine.
While it is fun to read up on A-list celebrities, magazines are designed to sell body dissatisfaction. Even if you don’t consciously recognize that this is happening inside your mind, stats show that 60 percent of women rarely or never felt that their body was “normal” in comparison to women seen in magazines.
2. Count Your Body’s Blessings Daily.
If you think about it, our bodies are pretty amazing scientific beings – there are millions of functions that happen 24/7 in our bodies that we don’t even know exist. It usually takes a near-death experience or a debilitating accident to realize how lucky we really are. Take a moment to pause before you retire each night to think about 3 moments that you are grateful to your body for allowing you to do that day.
3. Find the Right Fit
Being comfortable in your clothes will make a dramatic difference in the way you walk, talk, and see your body. Enlist the help of a trustworthy and honest friend or if possible, an image consultant (contact us for a recommendation!) who will give you the truth about your current wardrobe. Donate your ill-fitting clothes and take the time to treat yourself to a shopping adventure. Bring along said trustworthy and honest friend or image consultant. You’ll be surprised with the difference that a fresh, well-fitted wardrobe can bring you – take notice of the way you stand a little straighter and that certain air of confidence that you probably always envied.
4. Think in Reality
Instead of picking yourself apart, add 10 positive things about your body to your Reminder Book. For example – “My body is great because it allows me to run marathons.” Read it to yourself every now and then, especially when you need a bout of confidence, and add and refresh it often.
5. Pamper Yourself
Last but not least, pamper yourself! Whatever you do, just take a moment for yourself to get your hair cut or enjoy a day at the spa. If these options aren’t financially available to you, no problem – create a sanctuary within your own home where you can escape to for an hour or two. We sometimes overlook just how important scheduling “me” time is, but if you are a busy bee that I presume you are, these are prime magical moments that you need to be take advantage of.
When it comes time to put on that bathing suit this summer, use these 5 tips and tricks to keep the negative thoughts at bay that would have once clouded your mind.
Remember to always take the time to nurture your body and your mental state.
In support of your success,
PS – Want to know what I do to remind myself that my body is beautiful? I have a mirror that I keep in my bathroom that is framed with uplifting beauty quotes. Anytime I need a moment of reassurance, I visit the mirror. Next thing I know, I’m smiling and counting my blessings – and one of those is my body! Click here to download your free mirror!

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