International Women’s Day 2020 – #EachForEqual
March 3, 2020On This International Women’s Day, Let’s Salute the Women Who Show Us What True Leadership Means
When my mother was growing up in the Netherlands, men were almost always the head of the house. As one of 14 children — and the fifth girl in a row — she learned early on that men were more valuable. During the week, they would do the heavy work in the potato and cabbage fields and help with the cows; on Sundays they were able to enjoy deep discussions about politics and the economy. My mother learned early on that her role was to embroider, knit, and do “useful women’s work.”
So it’s no surprise that she deferred to my father as head of the household. As a result, my brothers were also expected to take on much bigger challenges than I was.
And yet it was my mother who, as I get older, served as an inspiration. Even though she wasn’t raised to take on leadership positions, she did — as a volunteer for a union, the Poppy Fund, the Royal Canadian Legion, and the local hospital. She still teaches knitting to people — she refers to them as “seniors”. Although she doesn’t quite acknowledge that she is a senior too.
My role models are the women, like my mother, who serve with a disregard for personal glory. They do the hard work of community building day in and day out. Their efforts are even more astonishing and valuable because they come from a true sense of leadership, an innate need to build up the people around them and to leave the world better than they found it.
On this International Women’s Day, I’d like to honor the women who lead like women. I could write pages upon pages about the remarkable women I have met over the years, but the following leaders stand out.
Cathie Roy is barely five feet tall, but her personality dwarfs her small stature. Cathie was the editor of a community newspaper and taught me big lessons about accountability. From Cathie, I learned how to meet a deadline, how to take my work seriously, how to hold others to a high standard, and how to laugh at life. She could go from stern to laughing so hard that tears streamed down her face in the space of a few minutes — what a remarkable talent for living in the moment!
Have you ever experienced an instant connection with someone? That’s how I felt when I met Dawn Miller. When Dawn joined my Toastmasters Club on the Sunshine Coast in 2004, she offered a welcome breath of fresh air and inspired me through her communication skills and positive outlook. I was on the verge of quitting Toastmasters, but Dawn motivated me to push myself and contribute.
Dawn does not complain (never!). She is dedicated. She has served Toastmasters selflessly and tirelessly. Through her, I have learned how to tap into my creativity and to always focus on my vision for the future.
Lark Doley doesn’t channel or mimic a male style of leadership. She simply doesn’t have to. She understands that, as women, our superpower lies in collaboration.
Lark was Toastmasters International President from 2018-2019, and I watched with amazement as she pulled everyone’s ideas together while acknowledging their contributions. She does so out of a true sense of gratitude for both the obvious wins and the not-so-obvious lessons. I have been blessed to watch this servant leader in action.
Who are the women who have inspired you? Tell me about them and how they shaped who you are in the comments.

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2 Responses to International Women’s Day 2020 – #EachForEqual
Margaret, It was a woman called Vi whom inspired, influenced and shaped who I have become today. I did not have good female role models growing up. My mother abandoned at age three and future stepmother(s) were cold, cruel, indifferent and dependent. I was raised in a toxic, dysfunctional, chaotic family system. I met Vi when I was twenty-six and in an abusive relationship, unbeknownst to her. With education and insight, this was typical “battered woman syndrome”, also understandable given my upbringing.
Imagine how unprepared I was to meet Vi, already sixty-five. She was a woman ahead of her time. A successful entrepreneur. Her business at the time I met her was property development. Unheard of back in the late ‘70’s for a woman. She was fiercely independent, highly intelligent and had a larger than life personality. She was affluent, classy but bold beyond belief. She emulated all I never knew a woman could be, as well, emulated a beautiful, mutually committed and loving marriage. I just knew I wanted, and yes, needed, parts of what she had. Courage. Confidence. Character. Commitment. Standards. Integrity. Not the type of woman who would tolerate abuse or submit to any man.
I left him in time. I’d always been courageous, and eventually found the strength and resolve to leave. I’d always been resilient. I had to be in order to survive. And thanks to Vi, I feel due to her influence, modeling and gentle, leading questions, I have achieved much of what she emulated back then. A successful career. A good, blessed marriage. A beautiful home, like hers. One filled with love and stability, as well, like hers. Affluence from my own hard work and work ethic and marital partnership. I’ve enjoyed a charmed and meaningful life, you see, I believe there is purpose in pain. I have attempted to give what I needed to receive and led and mentored others along the way. I keep a photo of Vi on my desk, and, the essence of her in my heart.
Pat thanks for sharing your story and paying tribute to Vi. I would have liked to meet her. I don’t have her picture but you have definitely shared her essence. Thank you.