Exploring the Power of Passion
December 15, 2009I have a very important question for you: Are you living a passionate life?
When the word passion comes up, most people think of romantic passion… but that’s not what I’m talking about.
Passion, in the broader sense of the word, is the deep inner drive to reach for what you love. It’s an energy, so personal and powerful that it’s often hard to describe. But it’s definitely not hard to feel.
Passion makes us come alive! It engages our hearts, minds, and spirits. It gives us a sense of vitality and joy, even a sense of purpose. It makes life more meaningful – and a lot more enjoyable!
But passion isn’t just about having more fun in life. Passion is power! When we feel inspired and excited, we unlock a deep well of creativity, vision and well-being. We become better leaders, more committed partners, more engaged in everything we do.
People thrive on passion. It makes us feel more confident, more authentic, more rooted in integrity. It’s a magical thread that weaves vibrance into every aspect of our lives.
So I ask you again: are you living a passionate life? Here are a few ways to tell.
1. When you sit down at your desk, how do you feel: tired or inspired?
2. When you think about your life, do you knit your bows with worry, or light up with a self-assured smile?
3. If I asked you about your future, would you respond with a vague shrug – or would you tell me about your purpose and aspirations with a contagious burst of confidence and excitement?
Your answers have little to do with your personality, finances, relationships or career… but they have everything to your personal sense of passion.
What makes you light up inside?
If you’re coming up with more question marks than answers, don’t be dismayed. It doesn’t mean you’re lacking passion, it just means you’ve gotten lost in the “doing” of life – paying the bills, doing the chores and handling the upsets. That’s part of life – but that’s not really living.
To get in touch with your passion, you need some quiet time to sit and reflect. With a few questions to guide you and a little support, you’ll have your ah-ha moments in no time.
Think about it…
• When do you feel like you’re really expressing who you are?
• What makes you lose track of time or feel “in the zone”?
• If you had all the time and money in the world, how would you spend them?
These are the kinds of questions that reveal what’s really important to us.
I recently had the pleasure and privilege of working with a “Passion Mapping” coach to explore my own passions. Without revealing too many personal details, I can assure you that it was a revealing and rewarding process, one that continues to inspire me every day.
In fact, it resonated so strongly that I became a Passion Map facilitator myself. I am delighted to support others in discovering the key words, concepts and actions that make them hum with excitement, as these are the touchstones that lead people into their most fulfilling life.
If you get the feeling that you could use some support in discovering your unique set of passions, please don’t hesitate to contact me to learn more about the Passion Mapping process.
As a Coach, I recommend:
At the beginning of every year, people are often inspired to create New Year’s Resolutions. These resolutions reflect our desire to realign our daily lives, so we can feel more like the person we truly are.
This year, I encourage you to drop any goal that reflects a “should” (I should lose weight, I should stop smoking, I should get out of debt). Instead, create goals that support your passions!
For example, if you love to be creative, resolve to join an art class. If you love to make a difference, resolve to volunteer your time every week. If you love to be around children, resolve to honor that.
When you actively discover and engage your passions, your quality of life increases exponentially. That’s the power of passion.

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