Cultural Communication 101 – Apps To Help You Communicate Effectively

May 8, 2014

smart phone apps for cultural communication easeWith the multitude of apps available nowadays, the information you need is literally at your fingertips—just a click away. Whatever you need to find, you can be certain “there’s an app for that.” And that can be very handy in so many areas of business and etiquette.

To test out the sheer volume of apps for various needs, I opened the app store on my iPhone and typed in “How to tie a tie.” Up popped the app called “How to Tie a Tie Free.” The app features instructions on how to tie 30 popular neckties knots, plus bow ties, ascots, pocket square folds and men’s scarves! What’s really cool is there is a “virtual mirror,” so you can walk follow the instructions and see your actions right on your phone! (Gentlemen, looking good is easier than ever!)

Traveling abroad for business? Taking a little time to learn the cultural etiquette for the country you’re visiting will help you put your best foot forward when doing business globally. With your smartphone you have access to all kinds of apps to help you navigate business anywhere – with confidence!

Here are a few that will help you in your journey!

What apps have you found that helped you communicate and do business with different cultures. We’d love to have you share them here!

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Posted by Margaret in Etiquette Edge, Etiquette Tips and tagged , , .


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