What For?
November 30, 2007I’ve always had a bit of a rebellious streak in me, but I rarely showed it. When I was a kid and my mother told me to go clean my room, my first thought was usually, what for? It’s just going to get messy again…. (Of course, I didn’t dare say it.)
I probably congratulated myself on my independent and sassy attitude, but little did I know, what for? is an automatic human response. Our minds are always asking this question. What’s this extra button for? What’s that guy standing there for?
“What for” is how our minds explore, engage, and get excited. Why am I telling you this? Because “what for” is a built-in go-juice button – and when you understand which buttons to push, you can operate yourself a lot better.
You can learn to leverage this instinctual way of thinking to help you reach all your goals. What for takes you directly to your center of motivation, your drive. What for points to your motivating factors; if the motivation isn’t strong enough, you won’t take action. But when you’re in touch with a strong what for, the sky’s the limit.
- So you want to make a million dollars. Great goal. What do you want it for?
- So you want to be lean and strong… what for?
- So you want to live a long life… what for?
People who achieve great things in life hold a detailed vision that’s full of what for.
To provide security for my family; to stay healthy and active; to contribute to the world….
Do you know your what for? As Socrates said, “A life unexplored is not worth living.” So explore your life, with the question “what for?” as your guide. What do I dress this way for? What did I say that for? I get up and go to this job every day… for what? Keep asking, keep looking. You’ll rediscover your own motivations, values, standards, expectations, even fears.
Most of all, you’ll get back in touch with the meaning behind everything in your life. You’ll remember what feels good and right, and moving towards that is the easiest way to move forward.
As a Coach, I Recommend:
Spend some time this week with this question: What for? The reasons behind your actions are important! Without them, you’re just going through motions.
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