January Fever: Get Fired Up!
January 28, 2013Anyone else have a case of January fever? I absolutely love January because it’s the time of year when people are most willing to take action, make changes, and exercise their ability to shape their lives. There’s a lot of talk about goal setting and resolution making, but I think of January as a lot more than that – it’s a time of visioning, dreaming, planning and manifesting. It’s the month of inspiration and courageous steps forward!
Now, I don’t know about you, but it sure seems to me like 2012 was an extremely challenging year for a lot of people – which, on the flipside, makes this January extra exciting. It’s a fresh start, a new chapter, a chance to turn the page and create from scratch. What a wonderful opportunity!
So if you’re feeling inspired to make this year your best one yet, I want to share a great strategy to help you on your way.
The late, great Earl Nightingale, a pioneer in leadership and self-actualization, suggested a simple yet profoundly effective technique to achieve personal breakthroughs in record time – and I’ll tell you about that in a moment.
But first, it’s important to note that many people will find themselves resisting this strategy. At first glance, it seems too easy, too simple, especially to those of us who tend to struggle and sweat to get what we want.
But, according to Mr. Nightingale, it doesn’t have to be so hard! If you want to achieve a personal breakthrough, all you have to do is this: Turn off the television, the computer, the phone and the radio; silence the distractions and sit quietly at a desk with a pad of paper and a pen. Write your goal or problem at the top of the page. Then, for the next 30 minutes, ask yourself: How can I accomplish this goal or solve this problem in the easiest and fastest way possible?
This is an incredibly powerful way to unlock an unlimited number of ideas. Truth be told, it may become one of the most inspiring and motivational things you do all year! (Trust me on this one… it’s true!)
Now, this may seem like a very simple thing to do – and in fact, it is. However, you may find yourself resisting it. (I’ll admit it… I do!) So, why is that? Well, according to Earl Nightingale, most people would rather do anything in the world than THINK. We would much rather turn on the TV, browse the Internet or chat with a friend, all the while worrying about our challenge instead of taking the time to solve it.
However, this is January – and January fever can burn hot enough to melt that resistance. It’s a breakthrough month! So give yourself the gift of trying this out. Clear your desk, set a timer, sit yourself down, take a deep breath and just begin. If you can get that far, you’ve already done the hardest part. Soon, you will find yourself inspired, thrilled and amazed with the creative ideas that spontaneously appear.
A quick word to the wise: know in advance that many of your ideas will be less than stellar. That’s okay. You’ll toss out many of them; that’s just part of the process. Write them down anyway. During brainstorms, the golden rule is: do not edit yourself. Let the ideas flow freely, without judgment. Just record the brainstorm.
If the phone rings or the dog barks, or something else tries to distract you, ignore it. Keep this appointment with yourself. It is important enough to devote your full attention to it.
Challenge yourself to put at least 20 ideas down on paper. Give yourself permission to be a little crazy and silly; it helps to free your imagination from self-judgment. (Hint: that’s often when the genius shines through. And besides, it makes the process more FUN!)
Here’s is a simple example:
“How can I lose 25 pounds in the easiest and quickest way?”
- Clean all junk food out of my pantry, fridge and freezer.
- Fire the gardener and hire a personal trainer.
- Dance my way through housecleaning chores.
- Salads for dinner – always. And no sugary desserts.
- Stop snacking at my desk or in front of the television.
- Spend more time with my thinnest friends and ask how they stay that way.
- Post a mirror on the refrigerator, just about thigh high.
- Always eat in my underwear… with no clothing to hide my belly rolls.
- Never answer the door for Girl Scouts selling cookies.
- Invite my mother to nag me about my weight.
Go ahead, have fun with this! Get creative. You don’t have to hold yourself to everything that you put on paper, just throw out some ideas and reconsider them at another time. The point is to get your wheels turning, the wheels of creativity and inspiration. These wheels will carry you forward toward solutions and results.
Again, think in terms of quickest and easiest solutions. Train yourself to look for the shortcuts and the most inspiring pathways toward your goal; you’ll learn to think quicker and better, and to reach for breakthrough ideas. Strive to get more inspired, more often.
Most importantly, abandon the idea that achieving your goals requires a long, hard struggle. That approach is soo 2012. Make this the year that you finally find a way to create what you want without all the blood, sweat and tears.
And when the ideas start rolling in, please let me know… I can’t wait to hear what you will create in 2013.
In support of your success,
Margaret Page
P.S. Want to know what I’m creating in 2013? More belly laughs! I firmly believe that laughter – big, hearty belly laughs – are central to a great quality of life. I want to experience this kind of joy every day! If you have any tips for me, or any funny things to pass along, please reach out to me on Facebook or Twitter. And if there’s anything I can do to support you in making this a phenomenal year, please be sure to let me know.

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