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What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?

“Hindsight is always 20/20” ~ Billy Wilder.

As we grow older and wiser, we often find ourselves looking back and saying, “If I only knew then what I know now!” It always seems so obvious, doesn’t it?

[1]So when I was invited to speak at a college graduation, my mental wheels really started turning. What could I share with this crowd of eager young adults, just emerging from the cocoon of their education, ready to test their brand new wings on the winds of the world?

What words of wisdom would prove useful in meeting the challenges that lay ahead?

To answer these questions, I reached back into my own history and asked myself: what would have helped me to hear in my early 20s? The floodgates opened and a torrent of ideas came rushing through my mind.

“Invest in relationships. They are life’s greatest gifts.”

I reflected back on some of the lessons I tried to teach my own children…

“Never, never, never stop learning!”

…and some of the principles that I attribute to a happy life.

“Do the things you love now, not later.”

I thought about some things that life’s hard knocks had taught me.

“Even ‘bad’ experiences bring important lessons with them.”

And, I sifted through some of the ideas that helped shape my character.

“Always leave things better than you found them.”

Some thoughts revealed a healthy dose of perspective, the kind that only comes with age.

“It’s going to be ok, it really is!”

And the voices of discipline and self-control spoke up too.

“Being emotional is overrated. Learn to control your emotions.”

Optimism came through, loud and clear…

“Don’t forget to smile. You have a lot to be happy about.”

…as well as a strong tone of encouragement.

“Be bold in your life. It can make all the difference.”

Quality of life ideas also came in strong.

“You can’t live a good life with a bad attitude. Just be happy. Savor good times, and release the bad times.”

It’s important to recognize that most of the things we would tell our younger selves are still worth telling ourselves today. So I encourage you to take a few minutes to ask yourself: “What would I tell my younger self?”

Jot down your answers and tuck that paper away; be sure to put it somewhere that you will stumble across in the future. When you rediscover your note, chances are good that your current self will appreciate the advice.

Want to take this process one step further? How about we share our wisdom with each other? After all, we’ve paid our dues for this knowledge, so let’s share the wealth!

I’ll start… here’s what I would tell my younger self:

  1. “Focus more on building relationships rather than just getting the job done.”
  2. “Acknowledge and celebrate successes as often as possible.”
  3. “Spend more time becoming a better communicator.”

What would YOU tell your younger self? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.