[1]Everyone has a cell phone these days—and many use it for both business and pleasure. In today’s world, you and I are so accessible —but where do we draw the line on communication etiquette.
A friend recently shared that one of her clients refuses to use email. Or at the least, it’s used as a last resort. A young man, he uses his cell phone for all his business communication, and he’s a big-time texter. While my friend does have a cell phone, typically she uses it to call clients, check email and most of the texting she does is for personal communication – quick texts to ask her husband to pick up milk on his way home from work and that kind of thing. Her cell phone is listed on her business card and email signature, but she was surprised when the first text popped up on her phone from this client.
With a growing popularity to text messaging (and mobile phone use, in general), it’s not surprising that texting as a form of business communication is on the rise, but there definitely needs to be some guidelines as to how to use it.
Here are a few etiquette tips to keep in mind:
- Make sure you have the right number. As with email etiquette [2], begin your initial text message with a salutation so that the recipient is sure the text is intended for him or her. Something like, “Hello Margaret…” If you receive a text message that is not intended for you, be sure to text back with a polite “I’m sorry, I think you have the wrong number.”
- Introduce yourself. If you’re text-messaging someone for the first time, they may not have your cell phone number programmed into their phone. Best to start the message with something like “Good morning, it’s Jennifer Lawson from XYZ Corporation…”
- Manners matter. Though it’s easy to send off a quick text, the same rules of courtesy apply. Be cognizant of the time of day – especially if there is a time zone difference. Many a pleasant slumbers have been interrupted by the buzzing and beeping of a cell phone on the nightstand.
- Skip the abbreviations. It’s tempting to use shortcuts, like “u” (you) or “Gr8” (great) when tapping a quick note, and that can appear too casual or unprofessional. Like any type of communication, when writing a text think about who the message recipient. It’s safest to type out the entire word or phrase when communicating with business contacts by text message.
- Think before you text. Avoid sharing anything confidential, proprietary or potentially embarrassing by text message.
- Be patient. Just because texting is “instant” communication, doesn’t mean the recipient is in a position to answer at that exact moment.
- Turn it off. Just as answering your cell phone during a conversation is taboo, texting someone else during a face-to-face is just plain rude. If you must respond to a text message, politely excuse yourself to handle it outside the room.
Do you use text messaging as a way to communicate with business contacts? Share your comments below.