Business Etiquette Blog with Margaret Page

Mapping Your Path

Mapping Your Path


Mapping Your Path is the Ultimate Guide to Self Discovery

The greatest learning process you will ever undertake is the exploration of yourself – on the path to your dreams.

Feeling like you’re “on the right path” is crucial to being satisfied with your life. Mapping Your Path is a guide to self discovery, a step-by-step process of exploring what’s meaningful to you.

Each one of us has a specific set of talents, abilities, passions and visions that propel us forward through life. We also each have a unique purpose, and our own personal needs and values that shape our decisions. These qualities determine our path through life.

If you aren’t crystal clear about your own personal path (and most people aren’t), this book promises to be enlightening, even life changing!

What Readers are Saying

“The Mapping Your Path eBook was incredibly useful, helping me see what’s important to me, get a grip on how things are working (or not!) in my life, and recognize my deepest aspirations. It’s the perfect balance of insight, inspiration, guidance and action – and the best part is, it really got me moving!
In just one afternoon, I felt clearer, calmer and totally jazzed about making some changes in my life. I highly recommend this eBook!”

— Allie Jameson