[1]Next week marks the launch of the 14th annual National Etiquette Week. Established by children’s etiquette consultant, Sandra Morisset, National Etiquette Week was developed not to get you thinking about what fork to choose first, but as a self-assessment on the current status of civility in our society.
So as a reminder of the importance of good manners—and the little niceties that set us apart in our everyday interactions–I’m celebrating National Etiquette Week by posting an interactive way for you to participate every day!
I’ll be sharing etiquette quizzes to test your etiquette knowledge; polls and surveys to get your feedback on etiquette and good manners; and a personal challenge to participate in “Etiquette Page’s Random Acts of Etiquette!” We want pictures!
So sign up for updates [2] and drop by next week to see what we have planned!