Once you decide to work with a professional life or business coach, the next step is to find the right coach for you. Where do you start? What do you ask? And how will you know when you find the right one?
When you find the coach that is right for you, your path suddenly becomes an adventure. With insightful questions and perceptive observations, a coach can guide you through inspiring moments and groundbreaking realizations. Without a doubt, a coach can change your world.
So how do you find “your” coach? What’s the fastest, easiest way to make a great match? How do you get from Point A (“I need a great coach”) to Point B (“I’m working with the most amazing coach”)?
To get started, do your research. Read about coaching on the Web and in the press. Talk with those you trust and ask for referrals. Ask friends and family members about their own experiences with coaches. And every step of the way, listen to your intuition. What sounds attractive? What resonates with you, or turns you off? These are clues to the kind of person you want to work with.
Today, many coaches profile their services on the Internet and offer some information about their background and experience. Some include a photo of themselves. As you explore and absorb this information, pay attention to how you feel. Listen to your heart as well as your head. Does this person resonate with you? Could you open up with this person?
Most coaches will give a free introductory session, so use this time to explore how the two of you relate. Ultimately, you’re looking for a coach who will really work to understand you, acknowledge your accomplishments, and support your growth. This is going to be someone who can (and will!) show you how to stretch in new ways. Why? Because you can!
It is important to select and interview at least three coaches before making your decision. Before you conduct these interviews, take some time to get clear on the following points:
- What do you want to use your coach for?
- Does it matter whether it is a male or female coach?
- What background would you like your coach to have?
- What do you expect from your coach?
- What about you would be helpful for the coach to know in working with you?
During the interview, be sure to address the following points:
- Tell me about your coaching practice/business.
- How long have you been coaching?
- Describe the characteristics of clients who relate best with you.
- What is your specialty or niche?
- Tell me about your background and experience. How does that relate to my goals?
- If I selected you to be my coach, what would we start working on first?
The coach you select will be your own personal guide to the life you really want to live, so stay with the process until you find someone you genuinely feel excited to work with. When you do, then you’ll know – you’ve found the coach for you.