Plugged in and Polite: Modern
Communication Skills
Presentation, Workshop, Group Session or Teleseminar by Margaret Page
Modern communication is rife with rudeness: Tweeting from the table? Phone calls from the restroom? Please, no! No one wants to be that person, but sometimes it’s hard to know what’s acceptable and what’s offensive.
Fortunately, etiquette expert Margaret Page helps audiences and groups sort it out with a clear, straightforward presentation on best practices in modern communication.
You will discover how to:
- Use technology to enhance (not destroy) your image
- Communicate effectively across a variety of platforms (e-mail, social media, cell phones, text messaging—and of course, in person)
- Honor personal boundaries
You’ll walk away with a solid set of tools, tips and techniques for clean, clear communication in the digital age, and the confidence to express yourself with ease.