[1]Are you familiar with the legend of Phoenix? In these turbulent times that we all seem to be going through, I think of it often – the mythological symbol of rebirth, resilience, pride and self-determination.
As the story is told, a single phoenix (a large and stunningly beautiful bird) lives in Arabia for 500 years. At the end of that era, it burns itself and its nest in a great rush of fire. A new phoenix, even more magnificent than the last, always rises from the ashes.
All around us, so much is going up in flames: retirement plans, college funds, home equity… relationships, dreams, even identities. This heat is intense, and many people are feeling burned. Whether we like it or not, this is a time of intense and rapid change. But I can’t help thinking that something magnificent will soon rise from the ashes we see today.
There’s something about difficult times that inspire us to take greater action than we might otherwise. Some of the world’s greatest success stories started in the ashes of an epic failure. The Rockefellers, the Kennedys, even the Obamas captured enormous victories because they dared to build something new in a time of crisis.
Each one of us has this ability deep inside, a committed, no-nonsense side that’s made of courage, and vision, and values. It’s from that place that we create our own personal masterpieces.
In turbulent times, it’s easy to forget that we each have this capacity to create, but with every thought, every word, every decision and every action, we are weaving the future.
Now, more than ever, it’s important to ask ourselves: What do I really want to create NOW? How do I want to shape the future? Whether you take a baby step or a big, bold one, you choose the direction you go.
So, if you could recreate your life, any way you want, what would you create? It’s an important question to ask… because you can. Starting now.
I once attended an event where the hostess pulled out a measuring tape and stretched it across the middle of the room. When she reached 75 inches, she said, “This represents our average lifespan.
“Now, find your age on this tape and take a look at where you are in life. How much time is behind you? More importantly, how much lies ahead? And how are you going to spend the time that you have left?”
No matter what lies behind you, turn your eyes to the future. Dare to live your passions and your values. Dare to dream, and dare to take action. Dare to be a Phoenix.
As a Coach, I recommend:
As you ponder your course through these times of turbulence and change, here are some things to consider:
- Which values do you want to live more of?
- Which needs, when met, help you be at your best?
- Which supportive, stimulating people do you want to surround yourself with?
- What do you need to in order to maintain your confidence, energy and joy?
- What do you want to influence people about?
- Where do you need support?
If any of these questions make you want to dig a little deeper, consider using a self-coaching guide, like the Mapping Your Path workbook [2], or engaging the support of a coach [3]. With the right questions, insights and support, there’s no telling how bright your future could be.