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9 Nuggets for Networking

Business networking etiquette [1]

With the economy squeezing businesses and the unemployment rate creeping up, networking events are swelling with people who are ready, willing and able to do business.

If you have an opportunity to make new connections, don’t be shy! Here are some sure-fire strategies to help you relax and engage people with confidence.

  1. First, remember: they’re not strangers, they’re future allies… and they want to meet you!
  2. When you greet someone, shake hands, smile and look them in the eye. A warm greeting is always a great icebreaker.
  3. Come prepared with professionally designed and printed business cards to give on request. Better yet, make a point of asking others for their cards.
  4. Listen well when talking with others. Use your ears, eyes, heart and brain to engage in a full conversation.
  5. Never look over the person’s shoulder to pick out someone else to talk with.
  6. Take opportunities to praise people for the contributions they make. Acknowledge their achievements. Letting them take a bow makes you both feel good! They will remember and appreciate you for it.
  7. If you find yourself in conversation with people who are badmouthing others, do the reverse. Say positive things instead; “good-mouth” them.
  8. Follow up your networking conversations with a call or e-mail within a day or two. For those on your key contact list, stay in touch by reaching out periodically, even when you aren’t making a request. Send cards, e-mails or letters frequently to congratulate people on their ideas and achievements. They will feel nurtured by your outreach.
  9. Always ask people how you can help them accomplish their goals. Get specific details and graciously follow through on any agreements you make as soon as practical. This builds loyalty and trust every time!

Do you have any networking nuggets of your own? I’d love to hear them! Please feel free to share them in the comments box below.

Super-size these nuggets and share them with your friends!

photo: MyTudut [2]